Monday, March 16, 2009

Reading Journal #4 March 16, 2009

Two Quotations:
1.One of life’s quiet excitement is to stand somewhat apart from yourself and watch yourself softly becoming the author of something beautiful, even if it is only a floating ash (p.43).
2.Poets talk about “spots of time,” but it is really fishermen who experience eternity compressed into a moment. No one can tell what a spot of time is until suddenly the whole world is a fish and the fish is gone (p.44).
My Reflection:
The writer had a hard time to get along with his mother-in-law and his brother-in-law, Neal. So he decided to spend time with Paul and drove to their cabin away from his wife’s home. When they arrived there, the writer finally found a chance to ask if Paul needed help for money or anything else. This time, Paul did not answer and changed the subject to fly fishing. Later on, Neal and his companion, Old Rawhide drove all the way there to join the two brothers. Neal’s purpose for joining them was not that he liked to go fly fishing, but always from the home as well. Later, they went fly fishing together. This time around, Paul brought up an idea that he wanted to leave Montana and went to the West Coast. He wanted to go to a different place and do something different. Also, he wanted to be away from troubles, like the one he had few days ago. But a moment later, he decided to stay in Montana and will never leave the place. I think it is hard to leave a place where one is used to it. It is easier to live this way even though life becomes a cycle and every day seems the same. But I think maybe it will be fun to study abroad and experience something different. I spent couple years in Australia when I was younger and I found it interesting and enjoyable. If I had a chance, I will study abroad again.
1.If you were Paul, will you make the same choice and stay in Montana forever?
2.On Page 45, the writer asked Paul directly if he needed any help. Would you do the same thing like he did, making the points directly? Why?

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