Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Taiwan’s Former President Goes on Trial for Corruption by Michael Wines

The Taiwan former president is going to jail because of the corruption. Police has prove that he might use country's money to afford his own stuff. But he thinks he is good, and a perfect president. Before the trial, there was a statement from Mr. Chen and he mentioned that the whole trial was conducted by the current President Ma, Ying-Jiu, who wanted to win favor with China’s government. Mr. Chen said that it was a political suppression because he supported that Taiwan should be independent from China when he was the president of Taiwan. I wonder how much money did Ms. Wu take from the whole illegal matters? I wonder if all the former presidents “took” money as well. If they did, they must do something good in some ways so they were covered. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/27/world/asia/27taiwan.html?ref=world

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