Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blood Red Horse Chapter 11

Saracens in Acre surrendered because they were not able to defend Acre any more. The Saracen hostages were more than 3000 in Acre. King Richard tried to have an agreement with Saladin, the leader of the Saracens. But Saladin refused to pay the ransom money. So the Christian knights decided to kill the captives. It was a massacre. I think what the Christian crusaders did at Acre was terrible and immoral. It was cruel to kill the people who had no hostility and resistance. I will never agree with what they did at Acre. I do not think their God will open the door to heaven based on the massacre they did. Their behaviors only showed that they were barbarians. Through this event, I think the Christianity here is not a good model to follow because they only did whatever satisfied themselves and did not care for other kinds. I think the Christianity let its owe people do whatever benefited and satisfied themselves. While activating the massacre, Hosanna refused to move forward and joined the activity. I think Hosanna tried to tell William that it was a wrong thing to do. The horse had some intelligence and can sense what was good and what was bad.

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